This will be a lengthy update, so please read through carefully so as to ensure that you are up to date and in the know regarding all things Dolphins! :-)
Welcome to week 2 of the Dolphins Summer Season! We continue to see new and former swimmers registering online. Registration remains open until June 24th.
1) Please be sure that you are signed up for team text messages. This is our primary form of communicating, and is certainly the most timely. Open your text messages app, and send the message: @sccd2024 to 81010.
2) Schedule for this week: Monday through Thursday, practice from 5:45-7PM. Morning practices begin next week.
a) Remember that this Thursday will not only be the club ice cream social event at the pool, it will also be "bring a friend to practice." Participating in this event will be of benefit both to the swim team and to the club - so please invite your non member friends (team or club) to join you at the club!
b) in that vain, please be aware of club membership options!
1. non-members can participate in swim team for a fee of $100 per family.
2. new members can join the pool/clubhouse only from Memorial Day to Labor Day for $995. This is an affordable way for families to get connected with the club!
3) Junior Dolphins - our youngest swimmers will begin on Monday June 17. Each junior dolphin will sign up for either the MW evening time slot 5:30-6PM, or the TuTh morning time slot 10:45-11:15AM. If you are not sure which time you signed up for, please contact our juniors coach, Alexis Minnick.
4) Team Apparel:
a) T-shirts: we are looking to clear out our inventory of vintage tshirts in a variety of sizes. All new swim team members will have first dibs on team t-shirts. Then, we will open t-shirt availability to swim families. Optional recommended donation per shirt: $5. This will be of great support to our team this year as we expand our limited budget to include paying our junior coach assistants.
Note: we had been on a two year rotation for new team tshirts and caps, but the impact of covid on that rotation has made it so that it no longer makes sense. Next summer, we will return to ordering new caps and sponsored t-shirts each season according to registration.
b) Team Swim Caps: If you have not yet received yours, please see Hilary Irons. Replacement caps will be at a fee of $10.
c) Team Swimsuits: Use the link to visit swim suit options for your swimmer:
7) Team Fundraisers:
a) Swim-a-Thon: details for this month long effort will be given next week. Please plan to attend practice on Thursday June 13 from 5:45pm-7PM as kick off our first William Kyle Memorial Swim-a-Thon.
b) also on June 13th - will be our Team Pictures with professional photographer, Dan Emmerman. Wear your team suit and team t-shirt! If you don't have a suit yet, please use the link above to secure yours in time for pictures. He will take individual photos of your swimmer (available for purchase) and a team photo (we will photoshop together to utilize for VSL Champs Team Photo).
c) Team Apparel Sales: we will have a number of optional items for purchase through the team store with Daniels. Sweatshirts, hats, pants, t-shirts:
the team store has opened for a second round of printing. The store will close again on June 16th, with items printed to be received by our July 2nd meet.
7) Mark Your Calendars: meets are listed below. Also, click the calendar link here:
a) 2024 MEETS: all tuesdays, except Champs Saturday.
June 17: @ Ashby
June 24: @ Massanutten
July2: @ ERRA
July 12: home v. Broadway (post meet pizza party)
July 19: home v. Westover (post meet pizza party)
July 27: Champs @ JMU
8) Attention High School Seniors! Did you know that there are multiple scholarship opportunities?
a) The SCC dolphins offer $50 per every 3 years of consecutive team membership.
b) The VSL offers a senior scholarship of $500. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please contact Hilary Irons. A link will be coming soon as well.
9) Safety Reminders:
a) parents, please plan to stay for swim practice as often as possible, especially as we kick off this season and if your child is one that is still learning to swim. Of course, our coaches are experienced and can handle running our practices, but extra eyes on deck are paramount to keeping everyone safe, happy and healthy. If you are a parent with swimming expertise, also please consider volunteering your time!
b) please DO NOT approach coaches with questions during practice. Direct all comments/concerns to Hilary Irons, team director.
c) also please note that junior dolphins or other siblings can only swim in the pool during operating hours (11a-7pm M-Th; 11a-8p Fri/Sat). No non-swim team members should be in the pool during swim team practice times.
Please make sure you go through the website, and all printed and posted information to ensure that you are aware of all the swim team procedures and events. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact Hilary.
Go Dolphins!
-Hilary :-)