1)_Monday 6/17 details: If/when you see coach Liz today, be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday!
-Normal practices. Team Pictures at Monday AM practice. If you already took pictures last week, you will swim while others take pictures.
-Junior Dolphins begins this evening at 5:15PM. Coach Alexis will be in touch with those families.
2) This is the first week of the swim-a-thon! If you have not received your information packet (one per swimmer), please pick yours up today at practice. This is a 5 week fundraising effort. Each week offers a chance to win prizes as well!!
3) The team store is still open! https://june-2024-spotswood-country-club-swim-team-webstore.itemorder.com/shop/home/
4) Our first meet is tomorrow:
a) Location & Time: This meet is "away" at Ashby Pool in Bridgewater. Please plan to arrive to the pool at 5PM. The address is: 250 Anaconda Way, Bridgewater 22812.
b) Attendance: All swimmers will be assumed to be eligible to swim in the meet unless we know otherwise. To sign out (in the sport of swimming, this is called "declaring") you must sign into your swimmingly account from a web browser and mark your child as absent. For directions on how, use this link: https://support.swimmingly.app/complete-meet-declarations
c) Preparing for the Meet:
1. Before you arrive to the meet: use a sharpee to write your swimmer's three digit swimmer number on their left arm, triathlon style (which is to say, vertical down the arm). If you don't know your swimmer numbers yet, ask Hilary/Liz/Alexis.
Ex: S
2. Suggested Packing List:
-Your swimmer(s) with team suit, cap and goggles
-Multiple Towels
-Layers, weather pending (sweatshirts, sweatsuits, blankets)
-Portable Chairs
-a tent or umbrella if it is sunny and you desire shade
-Snacks - light and easy snacks so swimmers are fueled but not overly full.
-Water or Electrolyte Drink
-Money for Concessions, if you prefer to buy
-Your phone/device for volunteer roles such as timing, etc...
d) How will I know what events my child will swim? We will put together our swimmer lineup this evening, so please declare by 1PM today if you have not already. Tomorrow, I will send out the lineup so that your swimmer will know what events he/she will swim.
e) Download apps: Make sure you have both the swimmingly app (this app is the one used to work during the meet) downloaded to your phone, as well as the swimmingly fan app (which allows you to follow your swimmer during the meet).
5) At The Swim Meet:
a) Timeline: The meet officially begins at 6PM. Here is a basic timeline:
+5PM: Guest Team Arrives.
+5-5:25PM: Host Team Warms Up (lap swimming in pool).
+5:25-5:50PM: Guest Team Warms up
(during home meets, this is when our junior dolphins will complete their race)
+5:40PM Volunteer Meetings at the ScoreKeeper's tent, including: Timers, Stroke & Turn + Relay Take Off
+5:50PM Swimmers for events 1-5 report to the clerk of course.
+5:55PM National Anthem
+6PM: The meet officially begins!
Meets are usually complete by 9PM (barring weather delays). When your swimmer(s) has completed his/her/their events, you are free to depart for the night.
b) In order to run a successful meet, we need parent volunteers. Please click the sign up genius to sign up for a job. Note: it is required that parents volunteer for at least 3 meets. And often, given our team size, we need parents to volunteer as many times as they are present for the meet.
Volunteering is more fun that one might think! You get a front row seat to the action of the meet, and the engagement fosters enjoyment, I promise! One common fear around volunteering is that you will mess up. I assure you that this is not an issue. There are back up systems to ensure success in a meet.
Click here to sign up. See job descriptions below: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508094EAFA623A6FC1-42971365-meet#/
-Timer: basic, entry level position. Anyone can do it. You, grandma, teenage sibling. All you need is a device that can download the swimmingly app, and connect to wifi.
-Relay Take Off: also basic, entry level. This position is needed for events 1-7 and event 58-63. Can sign up for just the starting 7, just the 5 at the end or both. You will watch the feet of the swimmer on the wall. When that swimmer takes off, you look down to see if the swimmer in the pool is touching the wall. Easy, peasy.
-Stroke & Turn: Training Required. The rules of swimming are in place to protect swimmers, not to penalize. The benefit of the doubt ALWAYS goes to the swimmer. And, no need to feel guilty about DQing a swimmer. You are only responsible for reporting what you saw, and if a swimmer made an error - they will learn from it and it will make them better in the long run.
-Clerk of Course: this person helps get our swimmers in line for the upcoming events. If you like to organize things, then this will role will be just so satisfying!
-Computer: We need multiple people to learn this role. It's a comfortable, front row seat to the action and under cover of tent! The system runs itself, for the most part. And you will work together with the host team to confirm results. This meet is a great opportunity for a new person to step in without needing to take on a lot of responsibility (away meets are much easier on any team).
Please reach out with any questions or concerns, as I am happy to help support your experience on this team.
-Go Dolphins!
Hilary :-)