Today is the first day of morning practices. The weather is iffy, so please make sure you are signed up for Remind (text @sccd2023 to 81010).
1) Weather policy: practices will always go on as scheduled, UNLESS you receive a text to specify cancellation. We will do our best to send out cancellation info by 9AM for morning practice notice, or 5PM for evening, respectively.
2a) Schedule for this week (and for the duration of the season):
Morning Practices: 9:45AM-11AM, Monday through Friday.
Evening Practices, 5:45-7PM, Monday through Thursday.
Tuesday Evenings are swim meet nights.
2b) This Tuesday evening practices will be a mock meet. This will help us make sure that our equipment is working and that all parents know what to expect for our first meet next week. Parents, please attend with your swimmers.
2c) 2023 MEET SCHEDULE. Mark Your Calendars: Tuesday June 20: @ Westover Tuesday June 27 - Home v Ashby Wednesday July 5 - Home v Massanutten*note change to accommodate the holiday Tuesday July 11 - Home v ERRA Tuesday July 18 - @ Broadway
3) Volunteering: we went over roles for swim meets at our meeting last Wednesday. It is imperative that we have parents step into these service opportunities. Here are those of paramount importance:
a) Stroke & Turn Judge. Watches swimmers to make sure rules of each stroke are followed during each race. Training required. The team will reimburse the fee, if desired. Please complete the online training at:
b) Computer: sit under the tent and manage computer equipment & results side by side with a representative from the competing team.
c) Starter/Announcer: home meets only; announce and start each race.
d) Clerk of Course: line swimmers up for the race in advance; competency in this role keeps meets moving swiftly!
e) Relay Take Off: easy job for the first 7 events, and for the last 3 events of each meet. Judge will make sure that no swimmers come off the wall in a relay, before the approaching swimmer touches the wall.
f) Place Judge: home meets only. This volunteer sits at the finish line and records first, second, third place swimmers in case of technological/computer error.
g) Ribbons: after the meet, place stickers go on ribbons to be sorted and distributed to swimmers.
h) Hospitality: home meets only; volunteer will purchase snacks
i) Concessions: new this year! We can sell our own concessions.
j) Post Meet Pizza Party: utilize a team roster to determine who will stay for the party, collect $ from parents (or utilize venmo); order pizzas for delivery.
k) Meet Director: this is Hilary's role, but it will be important for someone to shadow for two reasons. First, Hilary will miss the July 18th meet and someone will need to fill in; second, this is Hilary's last year being in charge of swim team and it will need to be filled next year.
4) Mock Meet Pizza Party: we will host a pizza party at the mock meet. Post Meet Pizza will be ordered; money should be venmo'd to @Hilary-Irons, please. $5/per person, up to $20 per family. Note - this is one way we raise money for our team.
5) Team Picture Make Up Date: make up date will be June 21st, 5:45PM (during evening practice).
6) The team store has opened for a second round of printing. The store will close again on June 16th, with items printed to be received by our July 5th meet. Proceeds also support the team. Please buy team items here:
7) Junior Dolphins - our youngest swimmers will begin on Monday June 12. Each junior dolphin will sign up for either the MW evening time slot 5:30-6PM, or the TuTh morning time slot 10:45-11:15AM. If you are not sure which time you signed up for, please contact Liz Corder.
8) Attention High School Seniors! Did you know that there are multiple scholarship opportunities?
a) The SCC dolphins offer $50 per every 3 years of consecutive team membership.
b) The VSL offers a senior scholarship of $500? If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, utilize this link:
Please make sure you go through the website, and all printed and posted information to ensure that you are aware of all the swim team procedures and events. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact Hilary.
Go Dolphins!