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  • Hilary Irons

Dolphin Update July 20: First Meet (Away) Tonight!

Good Morning Dolphins,

Get excited! It's meet day. Lots of details to cover here, so please make sure to read this thoroughly.

1) First priority: filling our volunteer slots for tonight!

a) We still need: 4 second half timers, 1 second half stroke & turn judge.

b) all volunteers - make sure your phones are charged and that you have downloaded the swimmingly app.

b) Reminder to stroke and turn judges: please wear the appropriate uniform, which is a plain white shirt with navy or khaki shorts/bottom.

2) Arrival Details:

Report to Westover pool at 5PM. Please have your swimmer numbers written on the swimmer's arms before you arrive. There is no official check in required. Just find our team set up area and settle in. We have not had a meet at Westover since before covid, so... if memory serves, our team area used to be to the left side once you enter the pool deck.

Warmups will begin sometime around 5:25pm. The meet will begin at 6PM.

3) Weather. If only I could control the weather for the benefit of swim team! It will be humid, but cooler than the average June tonight. Please remember to pack accordingly: bring extra dry towels, layers (sweatshirts, sweatpants), even blankets if your swimmer might be cold between races. Plus side: participation in less than ideal conditions develops GRIT and overcoming challenge develops confidence!

4) What event is my child swimming? I will have printed copies on the bulletin board at the pool and each coach will have a list as well. But for the sake of going paperless, swimmingly has an app for parents. Follow these steps:

STEP 1: Download the Swimmingly Fan app. Note: this is different than the Swimmingly App for volunteers.

STEP 2: -You will see two tabs (Clubs, Swimmers)

-Click on Clubs & Search for our club: "Spotswood Country Club: 2023 - Summer Season - Valley Swim League.

STEP 3: Once you have followed our club, click on the club name. It will take you to a list of our scheduled meets. Click on tonight's meet "Westover hosts SCC." This will take you to the meet lineup for tonight.

STEP 5: Once in the meet lineup, you will see two tabs "Events" and "My Swimmers"

STEP 6: Click on "My Swimmers". If this screen is blank, proceed to click on "Follow Swimmers." This will take you to a list of our swimmers. Select the circle next to your swimmer(s) names. This will show you what events each will swim. It will also update with results throughout the meet.

5) If you are concerned about your child's event, please talk with the coaches. It is best not to change things (for the sake of the clerk), however, it is very easy to scratch individual events. If your child is signed up for a relay, please encourage your swimmers to participate.

6) I work as a health and nutrition lecturer and fitness instructor, and my schedule is Tu/Th from 12-5PM. As I will be teaching in that time, I have limited time to answer calls. Please text any questions/concerns and I will respond when I can. Otherwise, questions can be directed to the coaches as well. I have modified my schedule slightly to allow me to get to the pool by 5PM tonight.

See last week's updates for additional info, too!

Go Dolphins!

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